Jabba no Badda

I created this Jabba the Hutt painting for a Star Wars art show. I’m more of a Star Trek fan, but my friends really wanted me to make something. I kinda made Jabba lumpy, but it’s okay. I think it works. Watercolor and crayon on watercolor board.

Here’s some extra pics…


Yesss! I have often thought Star Wars would be a great subject for your art. Jabba looks awesome in your style. Good luck at the show!

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I like your subtle swirlies in the image and the vividness of the colors. I spy a kitty helper! :smiley_cat:

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I’m not an uber fan of SW like some people are but this is 100% recognizable &, I think, a very good rendering in your signature style. Also, I think those “lumps” look like jiggles, can’t you just hear that laugh of his?