July ATCs for Swapping

I made a few ATCs last month, mostly for the Ongoing ATC Swap.

For @irid3sc3nt, a mash-up of her Zetti and “don’t you want a magic daddy” themes. Even magic daddies can’t resist a dad joke :wink:.

:camera: by irid3sc3nt because the colors were better.

For @Lynx for artist’s choice

And finally, a flamingo to attach to a birthday card for @Edel, whose cakeday fell during the '23 Champaign meetup.

Thanks for looking!


Haha! I’m laughing again at the magic daddy! My husband told me a dad joke the other day… I’m blanking on what it was… but it made me laugh and groan at the same time.
Your ATCs are so fun, I especially love the neon colors in mine. :grin:


Love the vibe of these ATCs!

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These are really cool, I especially like the second one!

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Thanks, friends!

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These are lovely. I really like your color combinations and then the added bit of black to set them off and ground them.


These are great! I especially like the magic daddy. Excellent composition!


My fav is the first one. The black and white border is so jazzy and the hot, neon colors are so vibrant! Cute daddy collage too! Reminds me of Claudine Hellmuth’s poppet style.

What is a magic daddy?

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I have no idea :laughing:. I’m not familiar with the lyric(?) the prompt comes from, so I interpreted it out of context.

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Oh, it was a prompt? Ok.:smile: Well, I’m still ignorant then. I can Google it but I just wanted to conversate with my crafties. :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

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@irid3sc3nt might be able to shine some light on the origins; it was one her themes in the Ongoing ATC Swap.

I admit I didn’t really flesh out what I thought a magic daddy was, just that a dad’s a dad and therefore prone to dad jokes.


I tried a different set of prompts that were lines from Disenchantment, a show I like. It was, “Don’t you want a magic daddy?” Then I asked ppl to craft whatever came to their head when they read it. It didn’t have to have anything to do with the show. “Abracadadbra” came out of megwell’s head! Like a creative Athena. It was Athena that was born from Zeus’ head, right?

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