June ATCs by Reinikka. Texagon, Stickers, Cute & Mysterious

I made seven ATCs in June. Three for a swap and four for fun :grin: Here they all are together:

“Texagon” Took a while to come up with the perfect name but I posted about it in the Ongoing Random Chat and @endymion helped my brain get there :wink: Made with hexagons from a book. A bit minimalistic/simple but I like the effect.

“Live Your Story” Masterboard background, a selection of washi tape, glittery letter stickers, and paper embellishment.

“Life is a Gift” Featuring Pusheen on a masterboard background with a tea tag and some fun washi tape.

“Good Luck Flower” Masterboard background, washi tape, metallic stickers, and a stamp from Japan! @PastaPasta and I thought the Japanese said something similar to “good luck” but @roler revealed that it says “yoku ganbarimashita” which translates closer to “good job” :slight_smile:

“Strange Ocean” I fell in love with this sticker I got in a subscription package and featured it on this card. Masterboard background, tissue paper, and metallic stuff

“Cherish the Moment” Featuring a butterfly sticker that @Magpie gave me, sticker embellishment, and scraps from a calendar. The background was from a recipe book.

“Moon’s Last Night” Featuring another sticker from my new Stickii Club subscription on a masterboard background with other masterboard and scrapbook paper elements and a found poem.

Thanks for looking! :grin:


So many different styles! I don’t know if I can pick a favourite. :heart:

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Eeeeek, I love all of these, and am so glad I get to keep some!!! XD

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I really like the texture the hexagons make, but I love that “live your story” card! It’s very pretty, lovely textures and I love the idea of living your story.

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Your June ATCs look fantastic! So many wonderful details in each one :smiley:

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Each one is so unique. Great job!!!

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I keep going back to the octopus one. The sticker is awesome, but I’m also obsessed with the holey background piece. (Holy background piece, Batman!)

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Butterfly! I just came across that stamp. I should make more of those stickers, hmm…

I love your hexie cards, they are so gorgeous.

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