I should clarify that this is in fact a joke and I did not hit anyone with a car. This was just a random cake that I made. I’m thinking about doing a sort of series with cakes that say random stuff on them?? Could be fun. Also yes the colours are kinda wacky but oh well. Practice makes perfect. If you have any suggestions for themes or what to write on them, I would love to try it out!
OK, this is hilarious (since it never happened)!
Exactly what I was thinking! I’m kind of loving this idea for birthdays and such celebrations with folks who have this kind of sense of humor.
Ha! This is great.
I vote for a cake that says something about wearing pants, like “please keep your pants on”
i’ve,requested, " find the toenail." for the next time.
Well that’s one way to get all the cake for yourself!
i wish. that wont stop the fam.
That is too funny!
this is wonderful! if someone is having a lousy day, a funny saying on such a cake would be awesome.
Thats hysterical!
I love this idea! It’s hilarious AND you get cake. Ha!
As someone who has been hit by a car I would definitely appreciate this cake!
Congratulations, this is one of this week’s featured projects!
Heck yeah!!
I enjoy giving people cards and modifying them in obvious ways, so this really speaks to me. I would love randomly bringing this to an event.
And I love the colors. They’re not standard fare.