Kidney Beans. Well, you know kidney beans

This is the only picture I have of the kidney bean at the moment. He is a happy little fellow. He usually hangs out with the pinto beans which gives him something of an undeserved reputation. Although, not as bad as if he were to hang out with the cool beans. Actually all of them are good hearted when it comes right down to it.

And that completes my bean salad collection for now. (Well, you probably wouldn’t put the coffee beans into your salad but they likely would be happy accompany it.)

Sorry the picture is so fuzzy. It really is the only one I can find at the moment and they won’t hold still long enough for me to take a new one!


Such cute beans!

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Adorable addition to the @waggonswest bean community!


If you want to get technical about it, they are denizens of the WaggonsWest Traveling Chicken and Monster Show… but that might be quibbling.