Kittenhead in Resin

Today I made 2 kittenheads…this one is done and the second one is seemingly gonna fail becos I made the beginnersmistake to use to much color and not enough resin…In the meantime as you can see I’m watching a movie while I dry my dominostones which should be ready…I just experimented with collors and glitters on the catsheads…This One I am slightly glad about…I’m planning to make necklaces out of ot or use it in a painting to give to the feral cats shelter so they can put it on auction this easter…
I will make more kittenstuff to put in auction for the feral cat shelter… Anyhow…I hope they like it and that the viewers of lettuce craft forum loves it to…thanks…and enjoy your evening


So glittery!!!

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It seems like working with resin is definitely a learning process, where the more you do, the more you learn. I like the layering of colors here. This would be a really neat element to use in a painting.


Resin looks fun. The shape is cool and I love the purple color.

Must say its more vlue with pink but yes in a way it got a purple kind of shine indeed…thank you…yeah…
For my first steps in resin…Iv’m rather satiisfied…


Thanks… Yeah it 's realy my first steps with resin and I’m rather satisfied with it…thankbyou

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The eyes have me. Great job.

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