Knitted Cat Blanket

New blanket for my cat Buddy. He loves them. I used some yarn from my stash. I moved and I’m working to replace some of the older ones.


What a lovely, cheerful blanket!

I love the colours! They really contrast Buddy’s colours.

So cheerful!

It looks good with him. The blanket looks cozy and soft.
Handsome little man!

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So colorful and cozy-looking! And those colors really flatter Buddy’s! Does this mean, that I am not the only one who chooses colors for my pets that flatter their fur? Or is it that Buddy is black & white and everything looks good on him?

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Beautiful colors! They really make him pop.

:snowflake: :blue_heart: :thread: Congratulation! Your Knitted Cat Blanket is a Featured Project this week! :thread: :blue_heart: :snowflake:

He looks pleased with his new blanket. It looks great! And yay for using stash!!

Oooo! I love the squishiness and the colors. Looks like Buddy does, too. :wink:

I love these vibrant colors! :heart_eyes:

So lovely and squishy - both the blanket and Buddy! :smiley_cat:

Thanks everyone. I’m trying to place them where he sleeps the most to lessen the cat hair all over the furniture.