(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
A couple of years ago I bought a series of knitting patterns that were named after the zodiac signs. I am just now getting to them and selecting yarns that are similar to the ones listed.
@loves2experiment sent me two balls of Schachenmayr Yarn (Aventica) that seemed perfectly suited for this Leo hat. I sized down since most patterns are a tad too big for me…I like a snug fit. I haven’t blocked it yet, but the hourglass cable pattern still shows nicely.
I think I have just enough left over yarn to make a pair of matching fingerless gloves…
Beautiful! My mother was a 100%, textbook Leo, and I’m pretty sure this is a toque that she would have loved and worn year-round. So far, the astrological alignment is 12/12!