Knowing when/why milks curdle while cooking and solutions

Another thought that just crossed my mind was how certain times, and for whatever reasons, in only some of my soups and stews the milk will curdle a lot. (note, curdle might be the wrong word, heh).

I haven’t figured out the exact reasons for it, but one method I use is I add the milk towards the end of cooking mixed with any flour if I need a thicker broth.

And another one, is (a very few) of my cheese sauces come out poor and grainy. However. That’s just exhaustion/pain/bad cheese/whatever as sometimes I just don’t mix them well. What I do to fix that is put it off until I feel better, and I now grate the cheese instead of cutting it in 1/4 to 1/8 inch pieces.

What methods do you all use?

Milk curdles depending on the acidity of the broth or sauce you are adding it to. So if you are using plain beef broth, you shouldn’t get as much curdle as say a tomato based soup. It also helps if you heat up the milk or use a higher fat content milk or even cream.

The reason it does not curdle as much towards the end is that it probably has less time to reach a temperature that causes curdling.

Grainy cheese sauces are due to separation of the fatty part of cheese from the emulsifiers:

Here is a good explanation and how to fix it!

Why cheese sauce gets gritty

I don’t cook much but I do remember my science based home ec classes! :smiley:


Aha! That might be it there. I’ll have to try the next batch with broth instead of the “Better than Bouillon” that I use more frequently. (another one of those weird things that I don’t think about something that I know until I’ve read it in a “different” way, heh). plus, every once in a while I’ll cook with white whine or Sherry. So probably should look into that as well. (I have this stupid male thing where once I “read” instructions I automatically “know” how to do it without them. HAH!)

It is good to know the acidity of foods. Higher acid in the body creates inflammation and could cause pain from such things as fibromyalgia, arthritis, etc. to flare. Sugar can also cause inflammation so watch that as well. I know you enjoy cooking and eating but some of the stuff can be adding to your health issues.

Ooh, that’s a topic I should research on for my chronic pain post. (Mental note to self: REMEMBER THIS).

Luckily, too much sugar makes me nauseous, so it’s only when I make treats for my wife when I use a lot of sugar. Unfortunately I haven’t found any better sugars for her, as some of the other sugars do bad things for her. (Mental note to self: RESEARCH DIFFERENT KINDS OF SUGARS).

Do you mean to tell me that no doctor has done any blood tests to figure out how acidic your body is to see if it is causing you pain? WTF? Yeah…do your own research…sometimes doctors, especially those who are not healthy themselves, are not apt to talk about nutrition as a cause of pain…be careful, though, and be mindful of stuff on the internet…a lot of it is crap and not scientifically based…

Good luck…you are too talented and kind to be a victim of chronic pain!

I can’t afford it. Every time I got close to it I lost it all, but yeah, I have needed to research it for a long time, and kept putting it off. I’m an over thinker and very prone to performing experiments so I should be able to make educated deductions (if I can work around my failing mind). which I think is why I talk too much. I may use it as a memory aid as I can’t think nor remember too well. O_o.

Oddly enough, some things you might think are acidic are actually quite alkaline in the body, like ripe citrus! It depends on the nutritional qualities, which are dominant in the particular food item. Some things are acidifying (protein, phosphate, and sulfur), some are alkaline (calcium, magnesium, and potassium). Cool, right? So eat up that chocolate (dark), yum yum yum!

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Yes…it is odd…I drink lemon water and apple vinegar which sounds like it should be acidic…coffee is really dependent on each person, too…nutrition can be complex