Awww thanks! I knew you knew and appreciated you only crowing about knowing and not spilling the beans kids!
So cool! Love the way your transformed that reindeer into something amazing!
Let me get this straight…you purposely went to the store to get a nutcracker to make into Krampus? Woah. Ingenious and great execution. Thank you for sharing with us!
This is fun and unexpected! I like your attention to detail and using ALL THE THINGS!
Thanks everyone!
@curiousfae Well, I’d been looking for a nutcracker to Kramp-ify, yes. I’d seen these there before and when I went back for something else and saw them on sale I decided to give it a try!
The amount of detail you put into this guy is what puts a brilliant idea into play but then pushes it over the top. This is EXTRA in the best possible way. The teefies, the eyelids, the fur covering, rick rack ON THE BELT. ahhhhh
the shackles. the feet - claws AND hoof. the tongue. tacks for interest. and now i see where the basket post came into play!
This piece is utter genius. my grinning face
And i don’t want to copy…but remaking a nutcracker sure would be a fun swap. or a seasonal craftalong!
@Magpie - you are out of control, my friend.
Oh my goodness. This is so incredible and so much fun! Like everyone else, I am in awe over all the details. You can tell you had fun. I love the fur legs best.
I also agree, this should be a swap next year. Especially since Michael’s has the blanks!
I love this whole post and seeing your progress with it all! Fantastic end result - he’s so terrible and cuddly
@JoyfulClover and @gozer A swap or craft along would be so fun! I dug back through my text message photos to find this taken in October*: these are the blanks my local Michael’s had this year. I had thought there were four, but it turns out there were 5 styles. Drummer, Skier, Shake Weight Guy, Reindeer, and Snowman.
*October would actually be a good time to start, because I bet this guy took me a good 20 hours. Maybe more if I include digging around through various stashes to find all the parts and accessories.
So cool!
Thanks for the progress shots! He really is one of the best things I’ve ever seen a nutcracker become! All the little details! Aaarghh!
Seriously though, what even is he supposed to be? Lol.
I was equally confused, but couldn’t find him after googling. (admittedly, i didn’t look long).
@TheMistressT, @gozer
I would be interested in doing a swap or craftalong. With a craftalong, you wouldn’t have to worry about making it stable enough for shipping. and you could also make the level you are interested in. you could just do some minor changes, or go nutcracker-to-the-walls bananas.
A swap is good, as it usually pushes me out of what i would pick. And is see your Krampus and think…this is one brilliant piece of fun-ness!
It really can’t be anything but Shake Weight Guy, can it? I mean, maaaaaaybe Shake Weight Guy in Majorette Hat.
I agree with your assessment of craft along vs swap, @gozer. It might be fun if everyone had the same nutcracker and we could see what amazing ways everyone comes up with to make it their own. But that also has limitations. Luckily, we have almost 10 months before we see if the blanks are even available again! All that said, I have “horrible” ideas for a snowman.
Oh lord. I wonder what your horrible is vs mine
Oh my! @JoyfulClover & @TheMistressT, I NEED to see what you would do with a snowman now. LOL!
Either way, swap or craft-a-long. I wold be game. I love galleries that everyone’s items are the same but done differently, like ninni’s or mug rugs. These as a starting point would be amazing!
I immediately thought of Belsnickel but it felt obvious, so then I googlied, and found something called Icelandic Christmas Folklore…and The Yule Cat, JÓLAKÖTTURINN. go. right now.
I’ll stop hijacking this thread. If any are interested, we can revisit in the fall/Oct! Give me a shout-out!