Late Night Doodles

I wanted to make something small and quick, just to play with my watercolors. Three hours, three bottles of ink, one pan of watercolors, and a caligraphy pen later I had this. I stamped a map image in one corner as well.

I finished around 2am. So the moral of the story is I can’t be trusted with art projects close to bedtime.

This is a huge departure from my usual style but the doodles were relaxing and fun and I enjoyed letting the paint do what it wanted. I’m not in love with it, but I don’t hate it. This will likely be part of Shop The Swap in the fall and I may make a few others.

The usual progress pics.
Just watercolor

Gold ink and white ink doodles added over top


I think this is a nice piece! Its fun and colorful and it gives inspiration!

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This is lovely!

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I think it’s fantastic !

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I really love it! It has a real meditative vibe. I really love your “lost in the moment” sentiment as well!

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Thank you, @skrutt, @cindy, @megwell!

@Abbeeroad - thank you! It was a lovely, relaxing paint and the white and gold ink doodles were especially fun. My art isn’t usually so loose and free. I’m working from a specific idea or design. With this one, I let myself do whatever. Watercolor blobs touching? No big deal. Weird swirly shape I didn’t intend? Go with it. Definitely going to try embracing that a bit more in future projects!


You got some beautiful color flows and blends in there! Fun piece.

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This is really inspiring. I love how you just went with the flow.