Lemon Tree á Fresco

I blame @photojenn for inspiring this piece with a random comment in the Ongoing Random Chat thread about how frescos are made. Suddenly, I was desperate to make a fresco. Or a faux fresco, anyway, when I discovered the materials and chemicals needed for a real fresco were more than I was willing to invest in something I’d make one time.

I found this tutorial for making plaster faux frescos and ran with the idea. Conveniently, the 4x6 art swap was happening at the same time so I made my efforts part of that and the finished piece now lives with @Mountains_and_Clouds.

A bajillion process pics and details:
I started by cutting some brown loose weave burlap fabric and hemming the edges with embroidery floss.

The tutorial calls for plaster of paris, but all I had was some Amaco sculptamold. I gave it a try.

Then I painted on my little round test piece while it was still wet in the spirit of true frescos. I hated it. The surface is too bumpy.

I didn’t have plaster of paris, but I did have plaster strips for making masks. So I applied three layers of those. But I could still see the loose weave cloth that the plaster is bound to. And I didn’t like that look.

The smallest bag of plaster of paris I could buy is 4 lb, and that is way more than I will ever use in my lifetime. But while looking for plaster of paris I noticed that they do have really tiny jars of spackle for drywall repair. :thinking:

At $6 a jar, I figured why not. I grabbed my pallette knife, slathered some on, and it was just the look I wanted! The texture is close to real plaster and lovely. Though, even when fully dry, it’s still soft and more fragile than real plaster would be.

Next, I lightly penciled in my design. I went with a lemon tree design because I love them and a chinoiserie pot because those blues are a gorgeous contrast to the bright yellows of the lemons. For paint, I used Holbein Acryl Gouache because it has the blendability of gouache when wet, but can’t be reactivated when dry. When my first pass was dry, I add several thin washes of brown to add a bit of aging.

I wasn’t sure what acrylic sealer would do to the drywall material, so I didn’t end up sealing the finished piece. I’m hoping that because the gouache is acrylic it will be fine. Even so, the surface is fragile. I accidentally nicked it after painting and you can see a little white mark in the floor area to the left of the pot. I chose to leave that because it is supposed to be a fresco and those often have damage so I thought it added to the piece.

I glued the faux fresco to the burlap with E-6000 and glued some felt on the back to further cement things together, then added a loop for hanging on the wall and called it done.

If you’ve read this far, you deserve a lemon cookie!


Whoa, so cool!!


OMG I FEEL SO HONORED to be the new steward of this beautiful piece!!! It’s such a beautifully unique medium that really brings out the depth of the gouache in a really neat way! Thank you!!!


Thank you!

I’m so glad you like it! This was a hard one to let go, but I know it has a good home with you.

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A very unique piece. You got so much detail on that surface. Watching you solve the problem of not having plaster of paris was fun and informative. Nice job, Jenn…and lucky partner to have this piece!


That’s awesome. Kinda gives me different ideas of things to try at one point… maybe.


That’s wonderful!
The tree looks amazing and the fabric gives it such a nice finishing touch.

Now I want to try it, too.


Its so unique adn creative. I love that you pushed yourself and came up with a beautiful work of art.

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@AIMR - thanks! I was trying to not buy anything new…but gave in for the spackle. :joy:

@zimbaly - thanks! I hope you have fun with whatever you make!

@Silky_Bee - thank you! I hope you do give it a try and share your results!

@gozer - thank you! I love trying new techniques. It’s doing them more than once I struggle with :joy:. Which is a problem if I buy craft supplies for a particular craft. At least I can use the spackle around the house!


I keep that small container of spackle to use in mixed media…It works well with stencils to give nice texture. I have found that over time, it does seem to fall apart a bit, or crack, but that is fine as it gives the piece more character! I hope you will do more frescoes!


Not sure if I’ll make more (unless someone requests one in a swap) but that’s good to know about them cracking over time! I wonder if sealer would help that or if it’s just an inevitability with spackle?

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Now I want to try this too!!

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I hope you do!

Absolutely gorgeous!

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Thank you!

:blossom: :herb: :tulip: Congratulations! Your awesome painting is a Featured Project this week! :tulip: :herb: :blossom:


Thank you!