Let’s Stitch Along to the End of Time!

I changed my mind and will be submitting my merit badge swap as this months offering instead of a celebration of my sister’s life. I keep looking at it and it just is so absurd that it cracks me up. I’m gonna try to finish it up tomorrow and get it in the mail soon because it’s going international. I may end up having.to blur it towards the end of the month.


While there are so many big things going on right now, I need to pay attention to the little things and celebrate some of the small accomplishments. When the world gets overwhelming, I tend to let the little things slide until they eventually become bigger things. So, I need to tackle them when they’re still small things. This is my reminder!


I’ll be doing what I can each day, and writing them down so I can celebrate the small accomplishments that will eventually result in the bigger ones!


Beautifully done…and your positive attitude is welcomed during these times…a nice reminder for all of us to be kind to ourselves and to others!


I’m really love this.


I absolutely love this! I’m adding this to my prayer flag ideas for sure!


Here is my entry for this month. A sweet celebration of friends having tea and cupcakes.


This is so charming. :heart:

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This is just as cute as can be. And, so meaningful in today’s times.

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It’s simply adorable! It would be perfect for a nursery! I really like how the vines wrap around and come together to form the branch. But, I am a bit sad that the hedgehog doesn’t have any tea or treats. :wink:

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The woodland tea party is so darling!

I haven’t stitched up anything in a while, and decided to dust off my needle to make something to celebrate my friend’s birthday coming up next week. The text got a little wonky after finishing the back up, but I don’t mind it terribly.


Oh my gosh, this is the best. :rofl:


It’s just fantastic! I love the textural flowers, and I laughed out loud when I read the text- so great!


Love it!! :laughing:

You guys are making me want to do more patterned backgrounds!


I especially like to do a patterned background when I’m stitching up text. I think its almost too much with the flower framing in retrospect, but overall it balances out to where it doesn’t bug me too much.


I don’t think it’s too much, it’s exactly right! I love the combination of the lilac flowers and the yellow background.


That is all kinds of awesome!

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ha ha Love the love of tacos hoop…and yes, I am going to also have to try more stitching on background fabrics!


I’m adoring all of the hoops this month! Still racking my brain for ideas since I don’t feel super celebratory right now. It might be pretty simple if I can get it done in the next couple of weeks.


I love all these hoops! I’m still sticking away!

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My stitchalong offering is traveling to Sweden for a swap and I sadly will be saying goodbye to my dog, Mia, tomorrow morning, so I am going to go ahead and post my offering and blur it. Edit: partner received, so un-blurring!

The celebration is the participation award for the yarn yo yo championships!.

And a pic:

And another

It’s attached with velcro if she wants to separate them.

It makes me laugh every time I think about the idea of a yarn yo yo championship!!