Let’s Stitch Along to the End of Time!

yes, flowers!

Did you know that February is National Embroidery Month?
Also Spunky Old Broads Month. Hmmm, spunky old broad with flowers?


I think that’s a lovely theme! Focused, but not too restrictive. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :cherry_blossom:


Phew! I’m glad you guys are into the theme…or don’t (openly) hate it at least. :sweat_smile:

Now to plan my own stitch! :thinking:


I love it! I actually started a little flower cross stitch for my mum’s birthday, I may even stitch another flower thing afterwards!

Hi gang, so…where do I begin? I am stepping down as a mod from LettuceCraft around March/April. I am also going to take a break from the site. Life is becoming a little too much and I need to step back, rest and regroup. It is nothing bad, just work and school along with other obligations are draining me and I need a little bit to catch my breath.

I’m sure that I won’t be gone for too long, I love this place too much. I love this craftalong, swaps and of course, YOU! I won’t be back as a mod, but just little ol’ me.

That being said, I want this craftalong to keep going but need someone to take it over. You don’t have to do prizes or anything like that and if a group of you want to do it together, that is totally fine. Just pm and let me know if you have any interest.

Thanks :heart:


These are such hard choices but bravo for taking care of you, KK! I too am juggling school and life stuff (which is why you don’t see me here too often) and it’s so important to make space for yourself! I can’t imagine how tough the decision was, and we will surely miss you as our lovely mod, but you have my support. And I plan to keep on stitchin’, no matter who wants to run the show. :grin:

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Thank you so much! @Abbeeroad will be taking over the stitch along. :blush: I am excited to see what the next phase will be.
And now for my entry for this month. It is totally 1980’s Duran Duran flower lady. LOL!



And “taking over” seems too strong, lol. More like I will be doing my best to fill some awesome shoes and keep everyone excited and engaged in stitching. I will definitely be tapping some of you for help! Eeep!


@kittykill We will miss you when you are on your sabbatical. Enjoy your time away and be a big success in all. We all take time off knowing that LC will be here when we come back.

And @Abbeeroad just keep us stitchin’ I am getting ready to do some more cross or embroidery, I’ve been in quilt land. so I know I can still post here!


Thank you @Abbeeroad for taking over the reins!


@kittykill thanks for everything you’ve done for your community and thanks @Abbeeroad for taking over the stitchalong!

Here’s mine for this month. It’s actually pretty small, just a card from a free kit that came with a magazine. I stitched it up and gave it to my mum for her birthday last week. I think she’s kept just about every card I’ve ever stitched her. When I visited I noticed a whole bunch of Christmas cards handmade by me - she keeps them and puts them on a shelf as decoration every year, and she hadn’t put them away yet.


I almost missed the sweet wee bird.

I love that your mom saves them.

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I love it! And I love the idea of using stitching for cards!

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That’s super cute!

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What a sweet bowl of posies!

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Thanks everyone! I’m not really a papercrafter, so when I make a card it’s usually one of the “glue a stitched piece of fabric to cardstock” variety. This card came with the kit so it was matching, but sometimes I use aperture cards as well.

My mum had a few messy house moves, so I’m not sure if she still has literally all the cards I’ve ever made, but I know she did save them at the time, and she certainly has all the cards from the past 7 years, since she’s been in this house. When I visited her we went into her sewing room to look at her latest project and I noticed she’s also still using the pincushion I made her for a special occasion in 2005. She’s fun to craft for because she appreciates it.


That is so sweet and I like the colors. So bright and cheerful.

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Your 1980s flower lady is fabulous @kittykill! Where did you get the pattern?

That’s an adorable card @Immaculata! so sweet :blossom:

Thank you for taking on this stitchalong @Abbeeroad!

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I got it on Etsy:


I love embroidered and beaded and embellished clothing, but never seem to do any for myself.
That has changed!

This features a combination of lace, silk ribbon, pearl cotton, doilies, and beads.