Lettuce Show Off Our Personal Swap Goodies!

Ha ha, I started this for the Secret Santa swap, you listed the Verity Hope Smock as your “favorite article of clothing on the planet” and who could resist that? I just happened to have purchased the linen for another project I decided against, it was hot laundered and just sitting there waiting for your project. and I actually finished sewing it together at the end of November but got stymied by the hand bound button holes, they were really intimidating! I think it took more than a month before I could even bring myself to cut the slit for them, then another age before I got the nerve to hand bind. Thank you EVER so much to @thanate for encouraging me behind the scenes, she really bolstered my confidence and nerve chatting with me about the foibles of patterns and general stitchery.

Those buttons, how I love them. I have a jar of vintage shell buttons in all shapes and sizes. I’ve been making an effort to Use The Good Stuff so even the small pocket buttons are shell :).
I’m excited to see the fit on you, it looks GREAT! I didn’t know how it was going to hang as it’s so loose and you asked for “large” but I made the small! I tried the pattern out with a different fabric first and wasn’t in love with how it fit on my body or my Judy so there is some ease taken at the side seams where the binding is. I hand stitched the reverse so it would be a nice tight little roll and not splay out like can sometimes happen with binding on underarm seams. You look so wonderful it in, totally worth every stitch.