Light My Way Light Up Artwork

For the Light it up swap, one of my partner’s themes was “snarky quotes.” I happen to like this quote because I have a thing for idioms and particularly for mixing them up intentionally or unintentionally. And this feels sort of like that plus as a people pleaser I could probably stand to burn a few bridges. I also think it qualifies as snarky, yes?

I would like to point out that I am amused at myself that you have to push “light” to activate the lights.

Did you know that apparently this is a 90210 quote? I discovered this because I was trying to figure out if the saying is “light THE way” or “light MY way.” I’ve heard it both ways. So yeah…apparently 90210, a show I did not like at all, is responsible for a quote I like a lot.


Oooooh, it practically bursts into flame!

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This is really cool! Such a neat idea.

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Coolest card ever! I’d love to see behind the scenes or hear more about how you made the card

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I used copper tape, little sticker LED lights, plus one CR2032 battery.

The flames are made of vellum paper so the light would shine though brighter. :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing that! So darn cool.

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Oh, that card is :fire:! I see a face when I look at the bridge.

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Now I do toooo!! Heh.

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So clever!

Thanks for sharing how you did this…I learned something new!

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This is so cool! I love that the “light” is the switch.

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Oh, dude, this is so awesomesauce!
Did you use a kit? I keep wanting to try this but the components are so pricey. Excellent results though, wow. Totally worth it.

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I bought the components separately. The copper tape and the battery were relatively inexpensive. The stickers were kind of pricey but you can buy a small pack of 6 for $10 on Amazon. It’s probably not something I would make a lot but it was fun playing around with it.

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This is so great!!

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So cool and clever! I love this quote, too, and even have a enamel pin of it. I had no idea it was from 90210. Though, upon looking it up, there is a pretty good chance I was watching that episode live when it aired back in 1994! Lol! I clearly had superb (read: questionable) taste as an elementary schooler. :upside_down_face:

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Oh wow, this is really neat!! Also, thanks for sharing the back; I have no clue when it comes to things like this, haha!

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:sparkles: :fire: :bridge_at_night: Congratulations! Your Light Up My Way Artwork is a Featured Project this week! :bridge_at_night: :fire: :sparkles:


This is absolutely AMAZING! SO clever. Love everything about it. You rock!

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This is so fantastic!! It all just works together so well - brilliant!

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Awesome work!
and of course the word light is where the button should be.

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SOOO great. I love the watery background and bridge design! It looks amazing even not lit, but once it is, it’s amazingly the coolest little thing ever.