Little Good Things (R2) gallery!

That Chaircat painting is awesome! I got my own @jemimah piece of art in the mail today. So beautiful, thank you!


This gallery is just amazing, I keep looking through at all the goodies.

I also received a very sweet card and bookmark from @jemimah.


I received from @whatthepuck! A bag of vintage-y buttons (swoon) and a pretty ring! Lovely postcard, too.


Thank you!! :heart::grin:

(Not sure why the pic is sideways…)


Wow @jemimah have you been crafting 24/7 ever since the swap was announced? And every artwork you created is as gorgeous as the next.


The Christmas tin ornament is adorable! Teddy’s snowballs must be impossibly small!

Ah, more lovely art from jemimah. :slightly_smiling_face:

Buttons, yay! Are you a button hoarder too, @Bunny1kenobi?

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I received from @calluna, and my gosh…where to begin?

My sweet “extra” was some candies and tea, and she tucked in some extra-extras for good measure.
The buttons are all so spot-on perfect (in fact, I have a t-shirt that matches the kitty pin!), and I’m looking forward to see what I can add cross-stitch to with the aida band.

A perfectly-decoupaged card (actually a library card!), and the pièce de resistance, an epic handmade journal with all sorts of ephemera and book-bits to catch the eye.

I took a picture of a few of my favourite pages, but it was hard just picking a few!

Thank you for the amazing package! You spoiled the heck out of me, and I simply adore everything. :smiley:


I love handmade journals…so much to look at…@calluna, please do a separate post to show more pages!!

I never heard of that type of aida cloth! Oh the possibilities! They would make for great bookmarks!

This is pure awesomeness


Hey hoe! I went down to my PO box today and what did I find in there but a surprise package just for little ol’ me! A lovely card and a fantastic bookmark! I was literally just thinking earlier in the day that I think I want to commit to using real bookmarks all the time. No more receipts! THANK YOU @jemimah !


Woah - this gallery has exploded - there are some incredible things here! I received from jemimah and averia. Obviously my love of birds is coming through because they both sent me chickadees and they are awesome - I have pics that I will post as soon as I find my cable.

Thanks Averia and jemimah - I love my new feathered friends - and so happy to have been part of the last swap of “that” place - and the swap transition to here - great job organizing thanate, and Magpie!


Yes! I’m a looooooong time button hoarder! Especially the extra cool ones. I’m fortunate to have made some fabulous vintage finds, too! I’ve also been known to pick up old clothes at thrift stores and estate sales and scavenge the buttons and/or trims… :grimacing:

And CHAIRCAT!!! Holy moly that is awesome!!!
I admire your restraint on the exclamations, and I fear I don’t share it…


Man this gallery is so amazing! The cover of the journal is SO pretty! Is that an acrylic fluid painting for the cover?
I received a bookmark from @jemimah too, thanks so much! I love both sides, and the card is beautifully done.


I received from @Wildblue I’m so sorry it took so long to post a photo! Thanks!! :slight_smile:


How pretty! Looks cozy, too!

It has taken me far too long to get up these pics of my goodies from Watsonc7! The pics, again, are screenshots – and unfortunately hubby didn’t hold these things as still as the first time. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for my little face in the corner, I promise I’m alive even if my face barely moves! Haha.

Mojo was very curious as he opened the envelope:

First up was a lovely lil’ card.

Such cute little houses!

Next was a great boxy bag to carry goodies in! Had a hard time catching a screen shot of this because he was trying to show me all of it, including the inside, at once. It’s lovely and I can’t wait to see it in person!

Next up was a patch that Watsonc7 had made for the bag, but decided to send separately. It may end up on an apron. :wink:

Last but not least, lovely notecards (there are many!) and yummy tea.

Thanks so much, Watsonc7!


The floral fabric on the pouch is gorgeous!

ha ha the badge is perfect for you…

@gatorwranglor wow…what a lovely cowl…the color is very popular now because it is flattering for all…I love the mixed button closure!

Three fantastic pkgs!!
I’ve never seen one of those pocket letters – so neat!

another great pkg!
that watsonc is so talented!

I love, love, love that rolling pin patch!

Also can’t wait to show you the wonderful package I got from crafty-Becky!

At my house, the rabbits are multiplying! (As I am told rabbits do…)

Isn’t it the sweetest bunny you have ever seen? And the stitching is so tiny and perfect! The back has been finished, too, with turquoise felt stitched all around. Forgot to take a picture of the back.

Then there were extras! Some chocolate kisses (which didn’t get photographed because someone in the household relocated them…) and a very pretty card, and the most cheerful pieces of fabric!

See, I told you the rabbits were multiplying…
Aren’t they heart-meltingly cute?

Love everything!!! Thank you Becky! It was great swapping with you!


I love hoops and that is an very cute one!

The extras fit the theme…flowers and bunnies!