Little Good Things (R2) gallery!

More kitty goodness! So sweet! I miss having a cat :smiley_cat:

I was just about to say the same! Ever since pet-sitting at this handsome dude’s house, I want to get all cats some wall art to enjoy while they eat (cat portrait artist unknown)…

And I love the in-your-face cat in the hoop too…also very appropriate! :laughing:


I sent my package off today! I can’t wait to see everyone’s awesomeness :slight_smile:


That is indeed a swanky eating area…

That is The Favorite Cat by Nathaniel Currier of Currier & Ives fame…the original is housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and is one of their best sellers ever…perhaps the orange kitty can sit for his portrait as well!


Y’all, @Watsonc7 spoiled me so thoroughly rotten. (Seriously, I think I owe her a chaser package.) I noted on my q that I’d envied those microwave bowl cozies and adult merit badges, and she sent me both!

Set of two cozies – can’t wait to use one tomorrow for my oatmeal:

Badge for killing it at trivia (one of my LGTs):

For extras, she sent dark chocolate and a hoarde of papercrafting goodies:

Thanks so much!


Yay, mystery solved! Thank you, @AIMR, for giving credit where credit is due!

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lol my sister and I both have cat galleries…not for the cats, but for us! She has an entire wall. It is a combination of original art work and famous prints. I recognized that one from her wall because I got her a similar one from the Museum for a gift years ago. I get them confused but the one I got her was hundreds of years older from China…cats have been loved for centuries!

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Those bowl cozies are great!

Cold germs won’t last through the mail. :smiley:

Love the cat hoop!

Okay, are you ready to be amazed? And agree with me that I definitely owe @mountains_and_clouds a follow up package? Maybe if I can get the thing I was originally trying to make to work out… for now, I’ll just feel super-special and appreciate this!!!

This… doesn’t even include all the “extras”! But it gives a good idea of scale.

If she’d just sent this amazing, seriously tiny vase, I’d have been happy! It’s so adorable!

But then there were the little succulent pots… which were spoiling me as it was…

Then… omg, the tea set. Have you ever seen anything so cute?!

And a small, but person-sized mug, which is amazing, and, yes, made it in one piece which is a bit surprising considering the box was quite crunched!

TEA!!! I may be mildly obsessed.

So, yeah. So above and beyond! I mean, I like what I sent and was proud of it, but this… oh, the swap anxiety is real. But on the other hand from the stress there’s not enough squeeeeeeee to go around from getting this! You’re amazing, M&C!!!


I knew this gallery was going to be special!

Such interesting special things…

Love the cat embroidery and shrine…

The wonderful bowl holders…

Tiny and useful pottery! The thumb print mug is fabulous!

The ceramics and the bowl cosies are fantastic!! This is an awesome gallery, and there’s so much more to come :heart:

I love this idea of a bowl cosy. It’s hilarious to me because I always sort of saw patterns and such and thought “eh, not super useful”… But tonight when I was eating my soup, and I put the bowl on a plate to carry it because it was so hot, I had to think hmmm! maybe a bowl cosy would be useful in this situation! So now of course I want some. :smiley: My bowls are sort of… weird? Like more flat and open, less depth. I’ll need to check out various patterns.

That package with the pottery items is truly spectacular. So many gorgeous pieces… wow! Love the thumb cup, I saw the other post with those and think their simplicity is so beautiful.

I’m not a shrine person, but I adore that kitty shine. It is the cutest!

And the kitty embroidery.

And MAC has an interesting definition of “small.” WOWEEE look at all that amazing pottery. You lucky duck!

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I shipped to both @Edel and @dinkime today!

I just realized I was supposed to send a sweet treat as well. So I’m telling on myself and apologizing to both of my partners for not completing my package.

I’m so sorry, ladies. I hope you like what I made for you and it makes up for the lack of snackage.


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Yayyyy! I was so excited to see bowl cozies on your list…I love those suckers! No “chaser” package allowed, I had a blast with this swap :raised_hands::raised_hands:

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This is adorable

Love how kitty is peeking over the hoop. And that hedgehog! Super cute.

The cat portrait at cat level is hilarious.

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Sweets not necessary; the original list was a small item, a note, & a small extra. Clearly I should have reposted this more often after people stopped looking at c’ster, since a lot of people seem to be worrying about forgetting bits. Sorry, everyone!
(Remember: it’s Little Good Things, not Little Stressy Things!)



I love the merit badge! Did you see in the lounge the discussion about badge vs pin? I will always vote for badges, ever since my first adult merit badge swap they’ve been one of my little favourite things :).

The pottery… I try not to let terrible envy spoil a swap gallery viewing for me but it is sometime very difficult. Those tiny brown cups are just mega delicious.

Yes, little good thing is the theme! I know us crafter-swappers tend towards being spoilers but that’s all gravy. One small happy making item and a wee note are going to put a smile on your partner’s face and that’s the whole point. I would like to see the lovely sharing and caring sweetness carry over from our last site, let’s leave any self-judging & swap anxiety behind :two_hearts:


snort Little Stressy Swap…thanks to both of you for the reminder of why we swap…we kinda like each other…

I would be happy with a note so anything else is super duper extra special but not necessary…I know you were happy to make it and that makes it a Little Good Things Swap