Little Oven Box Card

TheMisterT is getting a new range for his birthday - he knows this, but I wanted to give him a card for it anyway and made this box card.

We haven’t chosen it yet, but given our parameters, I expect it will be either stainless or (if I have my way) black/“black stainless”. I did what I could with the papers I had on hand to get that look.

I did the embellishments and accents with purple, because that’s his favorite color and an accent color in our kitchen.

The pig butcher chart was really the only oven-appropriate embellishment I had on hand and I was glad the colors of it worked with the papers.

And here’s the shot showing how it flattens to go into the envelope.

The files are from SVGCuts. All materials are from stash!


This is amazing! You make great cards.

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What a cute card - and hooray for working from stash!

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How is he supposed to cook on that. LOL! Super cute card and how exciting for such a foodie like him to get a new range.


Ack! So adorable!!!

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Thanks, everyone!

How adorable! What a cute little representation!

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So impressive!! Love the personalization and the pig in the oven kills me!

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Such a fun way to represent his gift!! I love the paper on the back of the oven and the pig in the oven is perfect!

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LOL! You had a file for on oven? How unexpected and weird, yet cool! I like the colors. Looks retro and gives it a sitcomy feel. Impeccably done.

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Thanks, friends!!!

Right? It was part of a set of files called World’s Best Mom. I have actually made this one twice before! Once as a “kitchen warming” card for my MIL when she finished her kitchen remodel and once for my “little cousin” as a house warming card.


That is an awesome card.

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I love this! I remember the other ones too, such a very, very cool card. Really amazing detail.

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Thanks, pals!

@Magpie The designer of these files really created some great, detailed projects.

Wow! So impressive, and so much more creative than my normal “cut out a photo” and stick in a card:)

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