LOL Doll backpacks

Unless you live with a glitter-encrusted 8 year-old llamacorn, you might not know that there are LOL doll accessory tutorials all over YouTube. Well, I do and today I made a tiny pile of LOL backpacks.

Here they are! The one with a black circle is waiting for me to add 3 tiny white dots so it can be a bowling ball. Yes, I see the hot glue blobs everywhere, but the glittery llamacorn didn’t seem to mind.


Very cute. My Granddaughter is obsessed with these dolls. I hate them because of all the tiny pieces, but I buy them anyway because she loves them so.

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The tiny pieces drive me bonkers, too. She is obsessed, so I’m probably going to make many more tiny glittery things. :smile:

I know several adult doll collectors who love LOL dolls. :slight_smile:


I can see why doll collectors of all ages love them. Each one is so unique and full of personality. Their accessories and details are adorable.

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I’ll bet she is happy with those adorable back packs! Nice job!

Can I just saw that just the idea of a LOL bowling ball backpack makes me happy. (Not that I knew these existed because my 14 old is a nothin’ glitter 'o gold kinda gal), but the I think I can bowl way better than I actually can just geek’d out!

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At least it’s good she wants the handmade (and hopefully cheaper) items than needing stuff to be new :smiley: At least this way it’s personalised, none of her friends will have the same :smiley: Great job

I never heard of LOL dolls. But the backpacks are adorable. I bet your 8 yo llamacorn loved them!

Adorable…and boy, those backpacks are small!

They look good, I’m sure she’ll love them. I’ve never seen that LOL before :open_mouth:

These are great! Bookmarking this for my 6 and 8yo to see and make, they love their little LOL dolls.


Her name is Sleigh Babe and she’s from the glitter globe series. My daughter received three for Christmas. They all come in their own snow globe. They’re really cute!


Oooh thanks! I really like her hair, it’s quite unique for them. I’ll have to go have a google. :slight_smile:

Wow. I had no idea there were accessory tutorials. I have two daughters, ages 7 and 5 who both love these. If they learn about these tutorials I may find myself not making anything else. lol

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Yes! My daughter and I are now always on the lookout for bits and bobs that can be turned into lamps, coffee cups, hats, etc. LOL’s are all consuming. :smile:

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Oh man. My girls will flip over this. I had no idea this was a thing!

Cool backpack designs! It’s always nice to have a pack, purse, etc. to stash doll accessories in.

I own several LOL dolls (the larger, Barbie-sized ones)…but…I still haven’t gotten around to opening any of them! :rofl:

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