Luci Quote Disenchantment Hoop

I made this hoop for @geekgirl in a personal swap. We both love the Matt Groening show Disenchantment but haven’t been able to get wider interest in a big swap. So, we just swapped on our own!

Luci is a demon in the show but everyone mistakes him for a cat. It’s an ongoing joke. One of the best lines is when the main character tells her dad she’s “making murder plans with her cat” (meaning Luci) and her dad is just like “that’s nice.” :laughing: I took this quote and ran with it, designing around Lucy’s tail and the hoop shape. When I finished I felt it needed something so I added a skull to offset Luci and add to the general tone of the stitch.

I debated a bit on whether or not to fill Luci in with stitches and I’m so glad I did!

It’s simple, but I really love the way this came out! Because I suspect I’ll get something more intricate from @geekgirl, I added an ATC of the main character from the show: Princess Tiabeanie. I used an online photo for reference. There was a lot of erasing but I got there in the end.

Thanks for looking!


It’s so cool that you two decided to swap! The hoop is a hoot even if, like me, you’re unfamiliar with the show.


It came out great! Well done my friend. :skull: :black_heart:


I have not seen the show either, but your hoop is great! I do think it was the right choice to fill Luci with stitches. The ATC is fabulous, too!



I love both the hoop and the ATC! I’m envious of how neat your lettering is. Luci is perfect!

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Thanks guys! :blush:

Both are great and agree that your lettering is so neat. I like the ATC being off centre like that.

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This is fab!
Filling in Luci was a great choice, it looks like the “real” Luc rather than a drawing. Your work is so tidy and clean, :heart_eyes_cat:


What an awesome hoop! The ATC looks so good, too!


I was so nervous I’d ruin him by filling him in. I’m kind of hit or miss with fill stitching. The stitch gods were with me this time!


Well, I mean, he IS a demon…

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That is so completely perfect. Awesome stitching!

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:black_heart: :thread: :skull: Congratulations! Your diabolical hoop is a Featured Project! :skull: :thread: :black_heart:


Thank you!!! :black_heart:

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“I’m not here to answer cat questions!”

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I don’t know the show, but the hoop is awesome. I love Luci’s swagger and think the skull was a perfect addition. Your lettering is great too. I always have such a hard time with that.


This is really great I love the overall design

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