Machine Knit Fox Hat

I’ve been having tons of fun with my knitting machine lately. Here’s a fox hat I made for my daughter.

I used a 48 pin machine and did 30 rows of orange, 30 of fleck, 30 more of orange. Then I sewed the raw edges together, duplicate stitched the triangular nose, embroidered the ears and single crocheted around the outside. The nose is a crocheted circle, and the eyes are just one row of single crochet.


This is so cute and much more fancy than anything I’ve ever made with my knitting machine. Way to go!

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Is the second section of orange inside?

Wow, what a cute hat! I love all the extra embellishments you did to make it look “foxier”!

It’s fantastic!

What an adorable hat!

Soo cute. I love the yarn colors you chose. It’s perfectly “foxy.”

That is adorable!

This is so dang cute!

Super cute!

I love this! So cute!!

Super cute! The heathered pattern on the bottom really gives it a lovely feel.

Love the tweedy, foxy face!

This fabulous project has been selected as a Featured Project for the week! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Congratulations!! :sparkles: :tada: :sparkles:
Way to go, @Prickly ! :+1:

A knitting machine? I have never heard of one of those. The results are absolutely adorable though! I love the little flecks in the white. It adds an extra layer of cuteness.

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