Make a Pouch + Fill it - Round 2 Gallery

Everything so great so far, I feel very behind schedule :sweat_smile:


I know EXACTLY how you feel!! LOL!


I received from @Manders and it’s safe to say that this is the most fun and unique Christmas stuff I’ve ever received! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The pouch- I wanted something for wrapping no Christmas gifts in. She sent the coolest bag!

I love this fabric and the red polka dot fabric inside is awesome, too!!

A Posca pen!! Yay! And look at this awesome cluster of tiny mushrooms! She drew me a cute card and sent along some caramel Nips! :yum:

And the most awesome Christmas cards! I was delighted with these:

She sent 2 extra card fronts, too, so I could make more. And here’s the Nips again, because SUGAR!!!

Thanks for an awesome swap! I hope you’ll like your package too, @Manders! I’m almost to the finish line!


I’m so glad you like the bag and things. I saw from your Pinterest that you like Cryptids so I ran with that. Lol it was so fun making this for you. :purple_heart:

I’m sure I’ll like my pouch and things, I’m pretty excited to get them. :grin:


Oh excellent cryptid-y package!! I have to remember reusable gift bag as an option for future swapping.


Great package! Did you design the graphic or find them somewhere? Either way, so cool!


I found the graphic with text, on Etsy. :slight_smile: It fit what I had in mind perfectly so I had to get it!


Check out this serious spoilage @Teachergirl sent me, wooWEE! So much goodness, wow.
First the pouch with keyfob out of this really excellent batik, perfect for me.

Then oh my gosh so much stuff! 2 wee owls, pincushions? Or maybe just cuties. A painted note card & mushroom magnet. A smaller batik snap pouch. Rocky Horror Picture Show pieced mugrug/work of art! Upcycled sweater mitts

But wait, there’s more! Fabric! & not little pieces either, both of them are large.

Thank you so much, partner, you really outdid yourself.


What a fabulous swap package! I love the mugrug!

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That mug rug is kicka$$!

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I feel like those mittens are so you! Fabulous package.

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I can’t even look at that mushroom fabric without drooling…

The mug rug is fantastic…but those owls…I need to know more about those!! I can see a whole bunch lining my mantel!


Awesome mug rug!!


Buckle up, its about to get awesome in here! I received from @MistressJennie !

The whole kit and kaboodle! So many wonderful extras!! Stickers, sprinkles, halloween cupcake decorations, tea, bath bombs, a super cool dice pen and key chain, a dragon coaster, 2 d&d ornaments, 2 d&d patches, Harry Potter kisses, and a beautiful embroidered needle minder!

She made this beautiful crocheted bag with a silk blend yarn and then the metal dragon scales on top. To say its beautiful is a complete understatement. I am in love! I showed my d&d group and they were all jealous.

She put her embroidery machine to work and made these awesome ornaments and patches!

Look at this wonderful embroidered dragon coaster! It has cute d&d fabric behind it, too, which I didn’t get a picture of. Darn it!

And this needle minder! I so needed one! And its so gorgeous! All in my favorite color: blue!!

Thank you so much, Jennie! I feel so spoiled and love it all!


Ooh, everything is super pretty & awesome. The bag turned out so nice with those flashes of colour, love it. That coaster is something else too, excellent dragon hide texture.

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I love all of it! So darn cool. The needle minder is my fave though!


Beautifully embroidered projects! The textures on the dragons are amazing! Love seeing your dice bags, @MistressJennie …they are so unique with those “scales”.


Love all the dragon things, especially the needle book. :purple_heart:


I received an awesome package from @Abbeeroad this morning! She sent FOUR different pouches and they’re all fabulous. The scrappy pouch is my fave, closely followed by the snitch bag. Sooo much crafty goodness! There was also a chocolate bar, but it needs some refrigerator time…because Texas.

The haul:

Fabric gift tags!

Snitch bag (with snitch detail from @Edel)

Scrappy bag

Green bag

Circle pouch


Oh, squee, I LOVE that patchwork! Now I 100% have to join that scrappy exchange swap. Just look at those fabrics! Everything is super yummy.
Pretty sure that snitch was hand printed by @Edel too.