Hey crafty peeps! Are you surprised I’ve managed to post again so soon To be fair I’m not that fast at sewing, I’m just still catching up on last year’s projects
Be ready, this is gonna be a very heavy photo post cos my pups are involved and we can’t not take a million photos of them!!!
Soooo I made these in April last year, back when “little” Atlas was only 5 months old, which seems ridiculous because he’s already the same size as Arwen here!
Anyways, so they’re both sighthounds (he’s mostly greyhound with a little saluki and a little deerhound, and she’s a mostly saluki/german shepherd mix with some husky too) and as such they’re very lean so they run pretty cold. So what was I to do, but to make them some nice snuggly lounge robes!!
And of course a matching snuggly jacket for me!
The doggy patterns I kind of winged, I found 2 kinds of jumpers that I liked the look of and free-handed it on the back of some wrapping paper (I’d ran out of pattern paper, lol), made a couple of muslins and went from there! Arwen is wearing a more traditional looking sighthound jumper, with a velcro closure at the front, velcro belt round her tiny waist, and a lil contrast collar. Atlas is wearing a slightly more fitted jumper with a neck warmer, that goes over the head and under the chest and does up with velcro on his back, which I thought worked nicer than the belly belt on Arwen’s since he’s a boy and I was very aware that anything too close to his boy bits might get peed on!!
To trim their robes I used some teal velvet ribbon I had, which may not have been the greatest decision, I love velvet ribbon but sewing it onto stretch fabric meant it ended up being a bit frilly in places (the first belt for Arwen’s didn’t make it, and I changed tactics!), so in hindsight I think some stretch bias binding or fold over elastic would have worked better.
NB: Oh and of course their collars are made by me too
And for my attire I used the Compose Robe pattern from Love Notions, which I used a couple of years ago to make a lovely fleece winter dressing gown. This time I made it shorter though, and I used the lovely white floofy reverse as a contrast accent on the pockets, sleeve hems, and the neck band, which I really love.
Doggy paw prints + rainbow + soooooft… what’s not to love?!!
Hope you like!
Loops x