Mercury in Gatorade Cross Stitch NSFW

I laughed too hard when I saw this pattern. I think I might like Mercury in Gatorade better than Mercury in Retrograde. :rofl:

It was an easy stitch. I started last night and finished this afternoon. I did other stuff so it wasn’t like I stitched the whole night through.

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I just snarf-laughed at this. Awesome choice I love it!

(still chuckling)

HAHA, this is great! :joy:

This is wonderful!!!

Love it!!

Fantastic. Way better. :laughing:

This is hilarious. Love you lady!

Bahahahaaaaa! This is way more gangsta than retrograde or some shit.

LOL, terrific!

This is amazing. lololol.

hahahaha! I needed a laugh this Monday morning, so thanks! So cute.

Real feels, right there. Awesome.

Thanks all!

Where can I find this pattern? Saw it in a coffee shop in CO and spit me coffee out from laughing!

So cute!

Awesome. My man needs something along these lines when he starts to yoga woowoo a bit too far out :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I got it on Etsy. The seller I bought it from isn’t there anymore. It was crossxstitchx. There are other cross stitch patterns with the same saying on Etsy.

So hilarious!