Miniature kit, music dreamer #16

My 16 completed kit, wow. That’s what a pandemic will do for you. I spotted this kit as a new release from rololife on AliExpress, and bought it as a pre-order, something I’ve never done before. It was about $55. 50s TV and fairground- it was made for me!

Finally got to work on it over the last three days and it’s made me so happy. It’s so stinking cute!

This was a superbly engineered kit and quite different to previous ones, this is mostly wood, with all the pieces prefinished. They come as flat bits of plywood with pieces to be pressed out

No glue needed for this one. But a delicate touch was needed to avoid snapping pieces when you press them together.

Kleenex for scale

This one was more complex electronically than the previous ones-but easier. It has a little circuit board because it plays music and a motor to make the wheel rotate, plus lots of LEDs. It’s powered by a USBc connection

If I can figure out how to upload a video, I’ll show it working.

The two switches on the front work, one turns on the lights and the other the music and motion.


How fun! I love all the different details, including the fact that the knobs work the electronics. Was it hard to figure out the electronic aspect with no English directions?

No the electronics were really easy, they all just plugged into the circuit board.

I’ve put a quick review and video on YouTube here so you can see it in action.

It’s a complex kit, but so well designed that there were no issues putting it together


Ah! So super cool! I remember when you posted being interested in this one…

Love the TV display.


I love this one so much. It is absolutely the coolest thing ever!


Cool video, thanks for sharing it!
And a gorgeous miniature!.

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Wow! If it cost that much on AliExpress I’m imagining the markup at shops, probably 80-100. Or more.
It is AWESOME! I wonder if my son would enjoy something like this that has an electrical component to it.
Thank you for all of the detailed photos and video.

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It’s really amazing & it was so nice hearing your voice! Thanks for the video :blush:

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WOWZERS! This is soooo kewl! The interactive factors are so neat!

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This is super cute!! Love it!

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That’s amazing! It’s so detailed. And your video is really great too. I bet it’s what pushes numerous people who are on the fence to buy one.


Or reminds some that they have one waiting for them in their craft room… :crazy_face:


I may resemble that remark :wink:


Great video. The music fits the scene perfectly!

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:circus_tent: :tv: :ferris_wheel: Congratulations! Your astoundingly tiny and utterly captivating little Music Dreamer Miniature is a Featured Project this week! :ferris_wheel: :tv: :circus_tent:


Aw thanks sweetie

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So lovely! And the video is awesome, too! Thank you for sharing this!

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Oh, that’s adorable! Great work. So tiny!

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