Mokume Gane (ish) Pod

An experiment in creating a wet felted pod of many color layers. Initially I cut diamond shapes which were alright but not doing a lot for me. Have been trimming some more and I like it a lot better. I may trim a bit more before I officially call it done or I may go make another using different colors.


Pretty layers!


That’s cool!
I’d have to keep all those little bits of trimmed stuff - must be useful for something! :laughing::smile::smile:


Reminds me of those clay canes…you cut into them and find all sorts of surprise colors!


Exactly my thoughts, even the trimmed off bits are amazing.


I put them into a box and will probably toss them onto some pre-felt or pre-pre-felt (unwetfelted fiber about to become pre-felt ;).

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This is fascinating!!


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I feel the need to experiment with different techniques for creating the multi-color layered pods. Have some ideas for alternate approaches. They’re fun!


These are so amazing. The first one makes my think of jawbreaker candies, but the others make me think of geodes. They are all so beautiful!

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The right most one went back into hot water for some more wet felting. I wasn’t happy with overall integrity of the piece (i.e. being able to stand up to normal use). Currently it is drying so I should have a photo of it tomorrow.

Wow, they look amazing!!

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The one on the right was wet felted again after being cut.

Another pod that I cut and then re-wetfelted. I has a nice twist in the pod which really isn’t visible in this photo.