Mountain Scene Punch Needle (all freehand)

Still not that great at the long stitches, but I am getting better.

One thing I wonder about, if a blunter needle (what I’ve read about the Lavor needles) would make the long stitches better. As (i guess) with a blunter needle I could push the previous stitch over to ensure the new stitch rests against it. Plus (again a wild guess) I could move the loop stitches better to do the same, and maybe it would keep the needle from bouncing to which I stitch through the previous stitch. :thinking:. Someday I’ll have to try that.

Also, although it was a poorly implemented this time, but if I can get the hang of it, the long stitches look much nicer staggered every other row, with two rows pretty much stitched in the same places. (that’s what I did with some of the water stitches).

Well, it gives me some things to think about. :clap:t3:

One thing I can see I am definitely going to have to change at some point, I need a square hoop. I just don’t like the round ones. :no_mouth:


Lovely! I wasn’t aware square hoops are a thing! Can’t wait to see what you make next.

This is fabulous! You really picked up this new-to-you craft very quickly, too.

This is super cool! I’ve tried needle punching before and have not had any luck at all, so the variety of stitches you got is extra impressive to me. The colors are great - especially in the landscape. Great painterly effect!

Very nice. I love a good mountain scene.

This is so pretty. Very serene,

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You’ve really got a knack for landscapes in punch needle!

I’ve always had a thing for landscapes. Even playing with toy cars as a wee lad, I’d spend extra time on the landscape along with any roads, heh. Used to draw them with pencils, too.

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