My Craft Space - A Work In Progress

We moved into our new apartment in September of last year but have just finally been able to fully work on setting up my craft space! Have not been able to do many crafts with my supplies in disarray so it had to be done. I converted one of our walk-through closets to be my main space with some of the office for the rest. I sorted everything and entered it all into a detailed spreadsheet so I know where everything is lol. I pulled out my Cricut and got to work labeling (My wife pokes fun at me for how long it took me to finally choose a font after going through my 500+ fonts :rofl:). So far my main space is complete but still working on labelling my cube shelf and door hangers in the office space. This is a sneak peak of what I have accomplished so far:

I can at least sit in my space and do the weeding of my vinyl now that the desk is not full off supplies haha.

Little snippet of the spreadsheet I set up. Think this will help prevent me from buying supplies I forgot I had.

Will post more pictures after I am completely finished. Also open to suggestions if anyone has any other ideas to maximize the small space.


It’s beautiful and oh-so-organized! :heart_eyes: Which font did you end up choosing? I zoomed in and really like it. It’s clean, but a little fun as well. :smile: I love the spacing of it.


Thanks :blush: The font I landed on is called TroubleSide.

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Beautifully organized!

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Wow! Love your space!

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Oh, the things you will create here!

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Oh my goodness. Your organization makes me feel incompetent. :rofl: :joy:
And I, too, like that font. Clean, clear, and a little fun.

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I’m right in the process of organizing my office/craftspace. I’m having trouble keeping it all from being a mess. I really like your different shelving and plastic tubs. I need to head to the thrift store and see what I can find. All your time paid off, your space looks so efficient!


Great space!! I love your labeling and of course the spreadsheet! :heart_eyes: you really maximized the small space. I have no additional tips for you…I need to take some of yours!

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Looks like a wonderful space to lose yourself to crafting!

I am a big fan of having a spreadsheet of my supplies. I love the “find” function to help me locate where something is since my crafting stuff is spread out over four rooms…

I love the ribbon holders…seeing some of what we have can be very inspiring (and money-saving!).

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Finally finished the rest of my craft space :grin: Found super handy door hangers on Amazon that hold up to 12x12 paper/mats! I decided not to label the second one as most items are only temporary and will be used up or rotated out. Also used the Cricut to create a reference board that is now hanging in my craft space (I know some of it is not straight lol, the off-brand vinyl I was working with was a pain in the butt :laughing:). Let the creativity commence! :sewing_needle::thread:

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Wow!! This is a gorgeous space!

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