My Dawghter's Bridal Ensemble!

TheMisterT has a friend from his publishing connections who fell in love with our Delia through photos he shared and she proposed! So our Delia has/is an email bride. Well, last week Delia’s wife (and brother-husband) visited for the first time.

Of course, I had to sew my DD a special outfit! Two things about our sweet baby: she does not like having her photo taken and she will only wear outfits if you can trick her into thinking it’s just an “extra” collar or a vest for warmth. So this is basically an elaborate neck veil. :upside_down_face:



I had already decided I wanted to make such a thing when I found this fancy beaded lace in the clearance bin, so I picked up a few yards. The tulle and satin were from stash. as was the lace that covers the gathers where it attached to a collar sleeve that is made from black felt, also from stash. I kept getting ideas to make this more elaborate, but I kept reminding myself that might be too much even for me for a 10 minute joke.


When her wife and brother-husband arrived we met them in the driveway without Delia as we usually do with guest to make sure they are ready to meet her (she is a VERY enthusiastic hostess). Her papa said, “Are you ready to meet your bride?” and then we let her out. Her wife’s breath was taken away by her beauty! And any trepidation on the part of her brother-husband was swept away in the joy of the moment.

Here they are on the second morning of their “honeymoon.”

Of course, they are continuing their marriage as a long-distance relationship as Delia must remain home with us.

In all seriousness, on the evening I sat on the sofa hand sewing the last around the edges, I got a little misty thinking about being a dog-mother hand sewing lace onto her dawghters wedding “dress.” [sniff] Shortly after, I realized just how lucky I was not to be doing it by candle- or gaslight.



I do hope that since I wasnt invited to the nuptials, there will at least be some wedding cake coming my way?


It was a very small affair, just family. It was also a couple years ago via DM between TheMisterT and his friend/DIL. :rofl:

There was cake, however, a cardamom vanilla bean layer cake! DeeEEE-lish!


Best wishes to the happy couple!
Still a better love story than Twilight


I will pass your best wishes on to the couple!



Such a beautiful bride!


I love how wacky you are (in the BEST of ways!) and I super love that her face is priceless in that first, “I’ve told you before, Mother, I do NOT want my photo taken” image.

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Thanks, friends!

I do so wish I had had the time to take her out by some of the wildflowers on the property for a photoshoot (with a ball to keep her distracted). Turns out it kind of complicates the photo documentation when you don’t want a dog outfit to get any dirt on it.


This is so fun!


Life is just not that interesting without the spark of romance…glad she is able to stay home with you and enjoy it all from afar!


I love you @TheMistressT. :joy:

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Congrats! Your Bridal Ensemble is one of this week’s featured projects. Next stop, Project Runway!

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Awwww, thank you!

This is so cute. She made a beautiful bride.

Awww so adorable, congratulations to the bride, she looks so beautiful in her stylish neck veil!

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Thanks so much!