My mittens turned into a wolf!

I bought some yarn to make a pair of mittens. And they had colorwork. I knit and knit and knit, and was almost finished with one mitten. And then I frogged it. All the beautiful mitten. Which I wasnt that happy with to be honest.

So what to do with the yarn? Well, I made it into a wolf, from a pattern which was a fox. :smiley: And Im pretty happy with how she turned out. As the mittens was namned Skimmer (glimmer in Swedish) my wolf got that name instead.


Very cute! Love how the feet were done! And those ears!

When I first learned to knit, I tried making a hat…it was so big that I turned it into a drawstring bag…happy things can come from a bad project!

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Yeah, I was thinking of finished the mittens, just for the sake of it. But then I though, why finish something Im not liking? Its better to frog and make something better. :slight_smile:

Im glad your hat worked out as a drawstring bag when it got too big! :smiley:


Aw, that’s a great safe!

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The ears! Also, this looks like my dog Monty. LOL! Adorable!

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That is one sweet wolf! Great way to rethink the project!

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I love those big ears! Super cute!

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it’s super cute!

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great reuse of pretty yarn!

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Sometimes the yarn just wants to be something else. In this case, I think it was meant to be this wonderful wolf! It’s super cute.


Really great, tight stitches! And I love the shape - particularly the large ears!

RIP to the frogged mitts, though.

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