My Work Pod Through the Seasons

I absolutely love decorating my work pod it started with Christmas, which I won an award for and now it is decorated for spring. I am going to do a beach season for summer.



We also had a bake sale. I made the banner and caramel corn in boxes.


Oooh, they had no idea what was coming when crafty kittykill entered the scene. :scissors:

I’m obsessed with the spring bunny situation. :rabbit: :sun_with_face:


It looks like you work at a fun place, but I am sure you are the one that makes it fun. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I love the naughty and nice list.

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So festive! Love that you won a major award! Can’t wait to see your beach scene.

Your cubicle looks so lovely and inviting! I’m sure it brings a smile to all your coworkers!

You’re a ray of freakin’ sunshine in that place!

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Yes! What awesome displays! And I think when you do your beach scene, the phrase “ray of freakin’ sunshine” should be included somewhere in your decor. :grin::+1:

Anyone want to second the motion?

@TheMistressT :grin:


Thanks! I took a picture of the little puppy I switched out for the bunny. I’ll post it later.
LOL! Ray of Freakin Sunshine. :rofl: