Nerd Games Discussion Thread

Celebration Pin Event Post

I arrived very late to the party, as in, I just discovered this site when the 10-year anniversary celebrations were half a year underway (June of 2023, to be precise).

I have found in this site a whole bunch of wonderful, encouraging people who are always ready to make everyone feel good about their arts, crafts, and making.

Then, just this fall, I discovered the nerd games, and truly discovered the Nerd Games when the fall version got underway. I love friendly challenges, and the nerd games (but really, this whole site) has really pushed me to explore more and to make the time for making art and doing the things I enjoy, by giving some structure to my artsy explorations. Furthermore, the loveliness of everyone here has taken away my fear of sharing projects with others, and has encouraged me to reach out and ask questions when I have them.

I am so happy to have found this happy and supportive corner of the internet. Thank you to everyone who makes this site what it is. You are appreciated more than you know :heart:.


I have a question about the pin prize collection, specifically, the Explorer pin. It says to submit the projects in the nerd games thread. Is “Explorer” a prompt in itself, or should I find prompts that fit each of the projects I completed for the pin?

Thank you


Great question! Find the prompts that fit the projects! Explorer is NOT a prompt.


Perfect; thank you!


Celebration Pin Event Post

I’ve been participating in the Nerd Games since the beginning, and they have certainly upped my craft game! I remember an early season (it may have even been the first one) when I crafted almost all of my items with a science theme (and with a broken wrist!). It was fun, but challenging to find a science-themed way to fit each of the prompts, but I’m glad when someone said that the projects didn’t need to be science-y! Most of the time, I can find a way to fit a project to the prompt, but I admit, sometimes I’ve had to be extra creative! It’s part of the fun to see how others fit their projects to the prompts, and it gives me ideas for ways I can do it, too.

Not only have the Nerd Games upped my project completion rate (well, except for the last couple of years… teaching through the pandemic and starting a new curriculum have taken a toll), I’ve made a bunch of crafty friends through the games! I’m so glad that the Games survived the transition from the old site. I do wish I had kept better track of all of the projects that I submitted back then, however, which is why I keep track of them now (most of the time). I appreciate all of the work that goes on “behind the scenes” to keep the games going and love all of the fun things that have been added as the years have gone on (Advent prompts, badges, pins, special events!). Even though I haven’t been as active as I’d like recently, I still occasionally scroll through the projects and love seeing what everyone is making. I don’t always comment like I used to (sorry- sometimes a scroll a like are all I have the energy for), but I still am inspired by everyone who participates (and love when new people join in on the fun (or “old” people come back!).

Because of the Nerd Games, I have tried to make things I wouldn’t have done otherwise. My level of creativity has jumped, for sure! As we approach the start of a new year/season, I’m hopeful that I will be participating more (I’m really working on my time management, and organizing my craft space, too). I hope the Games continue for another 10 years!


If you earned pins in the Fall 2023 games, INCLUDING SUPER NERD, completed the crossword, or submitted a junk journal, please PM me your claim forms by the end of the day TODAY if you haven’t already. I’ll be packing up prizes very soon and need to finalize everything!


I promise I haven’t forgotten to do the tracking. The first was busy and the second was our “other anniversary” (the anniversary of when we started dating! 21 years together, 18.5 married!). I’ll try to get it done tonight.


Congratulations! And no worries. We understand that everyone has lives outside of this arena.



This season we had 13 active players! A total of 247 projects were posted.

Here is where each team stands:

Team Players Projects Points Average
So Corn-fused 6 142 4300 716
Don’t Stop Beleafing 3 44 1820 606
Gourd of the Rings 4 61 2200 550

Congratulations Team So Corn-fused on your win this season!

Battle Royale Results:

October # Crafted Results
Prehistoric 7 WINNER!
Historic 6
November # Crafted Results
High-Tech Surveillance 1
Old-School Stakeout 7 WINNER!
December # Crafted Results
Amateur Armchair Detective 3 WINNER!
Hard-Boiled Police Investigator 2

You can find your individual tracking sheet and the team roster here

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Craft on, Nerds! :nerd_face:

The fun continues in the Winter 2024 Nerd Games! We hope to see you there!

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Junk Journal Challenge

Everyone who made a junk journal this season and submitted the drawing form were entered to win an Amazon gift card. A random number generator was used to select the winner.

And the winner is…


Congratulations! Please PM me your email address ASAP for electronic delivery.

Thank you to everyone who played along! It was so fun to see the kits be put to good use, and to have so much incredible talent and creativity on display!


Aaaah! That’s so exciting. Thank you so much!


Got my awesome pin today!

I really need to figure out something to do with all of these…


I got my amazing package from @LovelyMiss ! Thank you so much, the pins are great. You are so sweet for doing all this!


Speak of the devil…I was planning to announce this!

Show Us Your Pins Contest

Put together a display of any kind to show off and store your Nerd Games pins collection (and other pins, too, if you want). Your display doesn’t necessarily have to be crafted, handmade, or submitted for a prompt (but if it is, be sure to submit it for a prompt/points)! Anyone who shares a photo of their pin display in the Winter 2024 Nerd Games thread will be automatically entered into a drawing for a gift card at the end of the season.


What if i wear them? Is that a display? I put them on my work cardigans and jackets to give them a bit of whimsy and personality.


Sure, if that’s where they live, that can be a display! Or, if you take them off the cardigans, what do you do with them? You know we’re not much sticklers for absolutes around here, lol. Flexibility and creativity! :upside_down_face: :smile:

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Honestly, I only take them off to wash them. I leave them on the dryer and put them back on when they come out. But I do have some additional pins in a box that I am sure I can fancy up a bit for this challenge.

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I have items for all the prompts this month. I’m just waiting for my partners to receive them in swaps. I also purchased the most complex sewing pattern I will ever have attempted. It doesn’t look like much, but Howdy! It is going to be hard! Wish me luck. :crossed_fingers: :four_leaf_clover:


You are a sewing queen! You can do it! :heart:


Fingers crossed. This pattern includes lots of glue and cardboard! And I will have to string a zipper myself. Eeps!