Nerd Games Discussion Thread


This season we had 13 active players! A total of 247 projects were posted.

Here is where each team stands:

Team Players Projects Points Average
So Corn-fused 6 142 4300 716
Don’t Stop Beleafing 3 44 1820 606
Gourd of the Rings 4 61 2200 550

Congratulations Team So Corn-fused on your win this season!

Battle Royale Results:

October # Crafted Results
Prehistoric 7 WINNER!
Historic 6
November # Crafted Results
High-Tech Surveillance 1
Old-School Stakeout 7 WINNER!
December # Crafted Results
Amateur Armchair Detective 3 WINNER!
Hard-Boiled Police Investigator 2

You can find your individual tracking sheet and the team roster here

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Craft on, Nerds! :nerd_face:

The fun continues in the Winter 2024 Nerd Games! We hope to see you there!

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