Nerd Games FAQs

Project Link

If you’ve chosen to make a post in the community outside of the Nerd Games (which you should totally do, because not only should everyone see your awesome work, but you also get 20 additional bonus points when you do!), copy the link to your community post and paste it under the project link header.

Do I have to create a separate post for every project in the appropriate community threads?

No! You don’t need to create a separate post for each project in the main community, but you DO need to fill out a separate project header for each item in the Nerd Games.

  • Let’s say you crafted seven ATCs and have posted them all within a single community post to show them off. Now you want to post each card to the Nerd Games.
    – Fill out the project header for each card as appropriate.
    – It’s okay to copy and paste the same link seven times for each of the project headers to get the bonus points.
    – If you decide to create a community post for some of the projects you’ve already posted to the Nerd Games at a later date (but within the same season), edit and add the link(s) to your previous post, and then send @storerboughtcreation a message to let me know that you’ve done so. Then I can update your bonus points for you.

Can I link to another craftalong post I made for points?

No. It needs to be a community post under one of the categories on the homepage. The purpose of the bonus points is to share your projects within the larger community, not just the craftalongs. More people will see your projects then. And maybe you’ll even earn a featured project post from time to time!

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