One of the first projects I knew I wanted to make for myself when I learned how to knit was this “simple torc.” Once X-mas crafting was out of the way, I decided to dive into a project for me and this was top of the list. I even had leftover ochre Malabrigo sock yarn from my Wave Shawl. Perfect!
The size 0 needles were tricky to maneuver at first, but once I got into a groove it was great. I picked up some 7s for another project after this and they felt cartoonishly huge!
What an adorable knitted baby corn! lol In all seriousness though, this is so you through and through and epic that you made it yourself. I need to try i-cording again. Last time it really stumped me and I shouldn’t be having this problem!!
Amazing. I can’t believe you made that! Wow! I love the color. Also, I don’t knit, so those needles look like toothpicks to me, and that makes it even more impressive.