Operation Use Up Yarn - Dolly's Fancy Crochet Hat

Dolly has been a best friend in my home for 15 years. She has had many styles over the years, the most recent gave her this dog dress and hat. That was a massive undertaking because she went through a grueling surgery before she could even change outfits.

Dolly’s hat needed another change up, and being the sweet Dolly that she is, she decided she wanted to have a brand new style! She asked for a crochet hat. She wanted to help with my Operation Use Up Yarn.

I made it up as I went along, and here she is in her new hat glory:

Her old 'do:


awww…so sweet…her new hat is an upgrade and a new start!

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The hat is really nice and soft to cuddle with!!!

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Cute! Matches the socks, too!

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