Operation Use Up Yarn -- Valentine's Day 10" Wreath

We are not big Valentine’s Day celebrators in my house, but I was inspired by @AntBee’s knit hearts in another Lounge thread, and decided that would be a great project to for my Operation Use Up Yarn project. I had made 3 white and 3 maroon trying to use up left over yarn from my maroon and white scarf and hat project. I managed to use up the white, but still have some maroon. I left the tails on because I wasn’t sure what I would do with them.

I had a floral wreath form sitting around from when I purchased them last year when I was on my fabric rope kick. I had never made a crochet wreath before, however, that didn’t stop me! I looked in my stash and found about 2/3 of a skein of this pretty blue wool yarn. I decided a wool blend yarn would be good as it would avoid any wool allergies for anyone. I ran out of the blue, so I had to stitch together the wreath form with a thin white yarn. I appreciate how my white hearts pull that all together!

I had thought of doing an Easter wreath and making crochet eggs, but decided that I could do a spring colored Valentine’s wreath. So, I found a soft pink yarn in my stash and used up most of it making 3 hearts. This is almost sickenly sweet with hearts, but a great stash buster!

I also made a small dent in using up the stuffing I salvaged from my chaise to chair project last year as well!


Adorable! I love that shade of blue-green you used too. Its compliments the hearts so well.


Wreath Queen strikes again!

I agree… the blue is a nice surprise color for the traditional heart colors…very pretty!

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So cute! February is about the only time I am into hearts and then I go crazy with them, so this is just right as far as I am concerned

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The middle hearts seem too much. At first I only had the white and maroon in the center, but it seemed not enough, but now it seems squished. But, I guess more is less. hah!

How wonderful! Those hearts are so pretty.

Nice colour combo, the turquoise was a great choice to pair with those warm shades and the white. Really makes it all pop.