Panoramic Photo Cube


Choose an appropriate photograph. It needs to be in landscape orientation with the visual interest right across the center.
(Envision a grid 3 squares tall by 4 squares wide. The center third is what you will see going around the cube).

Compare the “viewing window” on these two photos. You can see that the top photo works better than the bottom one.

cube choose

Open your photograph in an editing program and resize it. You want the proportion of the height to width to be 3:4. I used 7.5" high and 10" wide.

You can see on the photos above that I will need to discard the far right-hand edge. That’s okay! Move your grid around until you find the most pleasing part of the photo.

Add tabs at either side of the center of the photo. I filled mine with color to make them less noticeable in the finished cube.

cube yellowstone

Print and cut out photo, cutting around tabs.

Flip over to backside. Cut slits in the tabs as shown, creating a slot on one side and a tab with ears on the other.

cube slots

Measure off the 12 block grid. (In mine, they are 2.5" square.) Score and crease.

Score diagonal lines across the bottom 4 blocks and the top 4 blocks. Crease.

cube score

Fold in the ears of the tab. Curl the cube into a tube and insert the tab into the slot. Unfold the tabs on the inside of the cube.

cube tabs

Assemble the top. Fold like an origami Fujimoto cube.

cube fold 1
cube fold 2
cube fold 3

Fold the bottom the same way.
cube finished


Lovely, great tute!

These are really pretty.

What a neat way to display a photo! Great for vacation pics!

So cool! I could see using it as a gift box. Once emptied, it would be a gift as well!

Very cool. Thanks for the tutorial.