Paper, Mixed Media, Art Journaling Craftalong 2024

she does a lot of free demos on you tube on making papers

and I took her free 5 day day class last year and really liked it. she will walk you though making various papers and then using them to make mini collages


All day I’ve been thinking it was Sunday and the zoom was tomorrow. :woman_facepalming: Looking forward to zooming and making some collage papers on Monday!

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I don’t think I can quote images, so I’ll use a screen shot, but I’m mesmerized by this one and can’t figure out how it was made. The effects inside the circles give a very stormy vibe. So cool!

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Yeah that one came out great.

That was dipping a lid on paint, making a bunch of circles then spraying the page with water.

You can also paint the circles on with a brush and do the same


I sent the zoom link out for this evening!


One of my goals this year is to watch more new-to-me stuff, and I’ve decided to track it in my junk journal. Ostensibly this was just me sticking a piece of paper over an existing page, but of course there was much gnashing of teeth about what paper to use, whether the next page should actually come over and be a pocket, etc. You know, the uszh (youzh?).

The postcard (thanks, @Cindy!) has the actual tracking info on the back.


I thought that postcard looked familiar (it’s by one of my dad’s favourite photographers, I’ve seen many and know by looking)


I enjoyed tonight’s zoom, thanks for hosting @geekgirl
Didn’t like some of my pages but I really participate to see crafty friends.


I misread the date and I work until 5 PST. So I missed the Zoom. Next time, friends.


It was fun to see everyone! Thanks again to @geekgirl for setting it up!


Same here @Cindy!

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Here are the papers I made last night! Super fun.


So cool - what a nice variety of prints and colors! Great use of all the techniques shown.

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Fantastic papers! Love the green/purple one, second in, bottom left!

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Loving the big bold Xs!

Here are my mark making papers


I love the plastic bag prints you taught us how to do! I am going to try that for sure!

Are you safe? I was scrambling to put my three cats into their carriers and put them in our designated tornado shelter…scary for about an hour and they were not happy at all…the little one sprung out of his and ran back to the main house…there was nothing I could do except hope nothing hit us!

Still can’t find him, but I know he is hiding somewhere…

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Poor kitty. I’m sure they were all scared.

We had some scary wind for a while. I debated hiding in the bathroom and had carriers ready if I needed them. The power went on and off all day long.
It’s pretty quiet now.

So instead of a produce bag which is pretty flimsy, the instructor used a gallon sized bagging that uses twist ties and didn’t have a zip top. They are thinner than ziplo type bags but probably sturdier than produce bags. I was just trying to use what I had in hand. A bread bag might also work. Or a plastic grocery bag.


Here are the collage papers I did in our Zoom. I was trying to use up some paints that were going to dry up pretty soon. I need a day to just go through all of my paints and maybe doing bunches of gelli prints. I like doing these pages but I would also like to start using them in projects.


Yes! I started playing around with mine. Just for fun: