Peace Improv Quilt

For a fundraiser for our local art center I volunteer at I made this Peace quilt. No formal pattern. I found patterns for the letters of the alphabet and then just went from there. I’m really pleased with how it turned out and it brought some good money at the fundraiser auction! Longarm quilted on my Gammill Statler.


It’s really pretty, so glad it brought in a lot of money for the fundraiser :smiley:

This is really pretty and I like the polka dot material you used for the letters. Then you flipped over the backside and I could really see the quilted pattern. Wow! impressive.

I sure do love my Gammill Statler Stitcher! It is all computerized! I can quilt almost anything!

Great quilt! I’m sure it was popular at the fundraiser :smiley:

This is lovely. The color and pattern choices are so unique.

I love the colors and super intricate quilting pattern!

This is so neat. The lettering is so wonderful. I love how everything just melts together.