Pet Feeding Chart

This could totally be done just printing on a sheet but I’m too extra for that. I picked up a frame from Dollar Tree, a piece of scrapbook paper that fits my mood at the moment and cut the design out of black vinyl with a Cricut (mirrored so it could be face up on the glass from the inside).

It seems that I have a sneaky little guy that will be fed in the early morning hours and then act like he’s not been fed when the next person wakes. Hopefully this will prevent him turning into a little butterball!


Such a pretty chart! The background is lovely, and I love that the checkboxes are cats. The kitty face is also so sweet.


Thanks. I may end up adding a piece of vellum to tone it down a little in case it gets hard to see the markings. Will have to see how it goes!


We need something like this :sweat_smile: If you ask Chaplin he has never been fed, ever!


What a practical project for those sneaky cats that you just can’t resist spoiling! lol


Man Taylor had you guys trained so well! He is going to wonder how all of his tricks are failing him :laughing:

The checkmark boxes being kitty heads are adorable.


I wanna see Taylor! This is cute and I love that you mirrored the vinyl so that you can change out the background paper. You can make it seasonal.
My cats have specific diets based on their health needs and I had to switch to feeding them at scheduled times. They are still chunky and now they “sing” to me, a lot. Ha!


What a great idea! Hopefully he doesn’t learn how to erase the check marks! :laughing:


This is a great solution! I also want to see the perpetrator. :wink:

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Unfortunately, he had what they think was a minor stroke several years ago so he can’t get up on high surfaces without assistance. So no erasing the marks! We’re actually putting the times in there - so like on the AM side there is a 6 - so we know exactly how long it’s been. My original plan was for checks and then I changed my mind when I thought about it.

The stroke has also limited his “exercise” so his bubble in the middle grows easily when he’s been over fed!


Update….he was just busted for stealing a cookie! :woman_facepalming:t3:


This is great! My doggo puff ball also does a convincing “I’m starving” act that sometimes gets him an extra meal. :smile:


This reminds me of a children’s book called Six Dinner Sid by James Herriot about a cat that has many owners on a street and they all feed him a variety of foods. Six dinners!

I’m the designated wet food giver in the evenings, otherwise they graze on dry. My previous cat was a fiend for food and this craft would have been an excellent idea for her instead of us asking each other who fed her last, especially when a husband is at work and a son is forgetful about what he did.

I like that you can change out the background and the little kitty boxes. Cute!


I love that book :purple_heart:


Super cute! But I am mightily distracted by kitty, my gosh!

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He’s already tried to get an extra serving tonight. He forgot I was the one who gave him one thirty minutes prior!

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