Pet Portrait

I made a pet portrait for @kittykill in the Ongoing Wish Swap.

I followed a video from Tik Toc on how to do it. :blush:

I’ve never tried a scraper painting, but it was really satisfying.

This part was really interesting. It was like painting backwards. The black outline had to be first so it showed through on the other side. This was my first time trying a glass painting. I had a lot of fun with it and my sister in law wants one done of her dog now lol

Here is the link I followed: TikTok - Make Your Day


That is amazing! I’m always fascinated by, but never quite understand, the dot painting trend.


Wow! I love this! It looks super cool.


What a cool technique! This came out really well - thanks for showing the process, too.


I absolutely love it!!! It is so fantastic. Thank you for making it for me.


I love it! You captured Iggy perfectly. I love this technique. I have never seen it before. Thanks for showing progression shots.

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WOW! This is soooo cool! Having met Iggy in person, I think this really captures him. Not just the outline of his actual face-y face, but the vibrant orange-y pops captures his 'tude!


So. Darn. Cool! It looks like a perfect modern art piece. I love the color pallete you chose and the end effect with the glass. Thank you for the progress pics! Peeking under the hood has me itching to try something similar.


Thank you everyone. This was my favorite project that I’ve done in awhile. :purple_heart:
Also, @Tapestry you should definitely try it! I’ll dig around for the link and include it in the original post when I find it.
@kittykill I was so worried the glass would break on the way to you. I’m glad it was safe. :grin:

@wittychild and @gozer I love progression shots and I always include them when I can. I thought I had more when I added the white highlights and more paint etc but I couldn’t find them. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Jelly that you got to meet Kittykill 's dogs @TheMistressT they look so huggable :purple_heart:


Wow! This is really cool !

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I added the link in the main post @Tapestry !

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Thank you!

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This is awesome!

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This came out sooo cool!! Very pop art-y and super unique! I love it.