Philippine Trench in Clay

Philippine Trench depicted in clay.

This is my son’s Science project that I helped him finish. We used air dry clay and it was the first time we used this medium. It was actually a lot of fun even though it was the first time we used air dry clay. Made a few mistakes, but was able to do a bit of research and fix them. Used acrylic paints after putting on a primer.


That’s a pretty cool project! Great idea.

It looks great! I especially like the blending of the colors. You guys did a fantastic job on this!

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What a cool project! It looks so awesome! I hope he gets a good grade on this because this is great!

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This turned out cool! Hope he wins a prize.


Oooh!! This warms my science teacher heart. I LOVE it.

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Thanks everyone! I’ll let you all know how he does.