PINK Christmas tree

I have a problem. Well, several problems…
#1-it’s only August and 90 degrees
#2-I’m ready for spooky season and Christmas
Fresh off making a Halloween tree for the vintage Halloween swap the pattern was fresh on my brain so I said why not crank out another???
It’s not that bad to assemble but great googaly moogaly the cutting takes over 4 hours!
I saw this one last year at target and fell in love with the color which is why I wanted to do pink. And pink is my signature color


The 3 I’ve made so far:


I love all the trees you’ve done, but pink…swoon! :heartpulse:

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These are so amazingly cool!!

And PINK!! :star_struck:

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Wow, they are great!
And you put so much work into them. Awesome!

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You’re the Mistress of the Forest of Paper Trees! ACK! They’re all so just-right, too. I’m going ot have to knuckle down at some point and figure out exactly how I want to interpret this file and then knuckle down to actually do it. THe pink might be my favorite and I don’t even really care that much for pink - it’s just that good.

HAHA! I was just thinking of this line the other day in regards to Orange being Delia’s signachuh culluh.

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My colors are blush and bashful
Her colors are PINK AND PINK!
still an iconic movie


Oh my goodness these are so cute!


Yes, ma’am!

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PINKKKKK!!! Love that tree! Also, the Halloween one. They are the best!

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Oh wow, those are all awesome!!

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Congrats! Your Pink Christmas Tree is one of this week’s featured projects. You rock!

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I love your holiday and color variations. Awesome job!

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My great-grandmother made us some of the ceramic trees many years ago. I think actually before I was born. But I keep seeing the paper version and I have been wanting to try those! And then you do it in pink. :relieved:

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I audibly said, “awe” when I saw this!


Love it almost as much as mine :slight_smile:

Mine is staying up until Halloween, it makes me smile every day

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So cool! I need a pink Christmas tree in my life!

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Congratulations! Your project was one of the Best of 2021! Yoooooou ROCK!

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