Pink yarn doily

Here’s another project from a YarnYAY! box. Honestly I have no earthly use for a doily like this (all the tables and surfaces in my place are well and truly covered), but it looked so cute and I really wanted to try the new technique, so I went for it anyway, and I’m really happy with the result!

I ended up giving this away to a coworker who says he has the perfect spot for it in his new guestroom; so glad I found it a happy home! :slight_smile: This piece was really easy and meditative to work on–very relaxing!


Nice doily and pretty colors! Sounds like you are enjoying your subscription. I have done doilies, but I never put them on furniture. I’ve made curtains out of some, and stitched some to an armchair, and cut up a damaged one to make a bag out of it…



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You could even crochet one around/through an embroidery hoop & hang it up! :wink:

This one is nice - I really like the outer border!


:sparkler: :partying_face: Congratulations, this is a featured project for this week. :partying_face: :sparkler:

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Very pretty!

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it looks great! glad you found a home for it!

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It’s very pretty! It must be so satisfying to finish it up and find a wonderful home for it right away.

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This came out really nice. I like the variation of colors in it. I’m glad it worked out so well that you were able to try a new technique and your coworker ended up with something useful to him!

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