Pound Puppy Pattern?

My mom and brother want me to make an old-school 1980’s Pound Puppy. Problem is, the official pattern book is super hard to find. Does anyone know if there are any other patterns for Pound Puppies? Or even better, would you be willing to share a pattern if you own the book? I’m not using this for profit, my mom just really wants me to make a Pound Puppy for her.



While I do not have a copy of the pattern I was gifted a homemade pound puppy that I absolutely adored! Good luck in your quest!

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At one point in time I think I had a knock-off Pound Puppies pattern. Let me do some searching and see if I can turn it up again!


This pattern can be converted to English using Google translate, and with a few adjustments to the facial features it would look a lot like a pound puppy. This is the closest I’ve ever seen.

This is my childhood Pound Puppy (which I still have!), Cinnamon Rolls.


I have that same Pound Purry! I have one of my originals and it’s one of the ones where the mouth looks like a butt and I don’t even know what they were thinking with those.


Alright, I found it! And it’s actually official Pound Puppies, so even better! The catch is, there are not actual pattern pieces, just the instruction sheets. However, there is a cutting layout that shows all the pattern pieces, so it could be possible to scale it up. PM me!


I found this post off a google search wanting to make a pound puppy. My parents gave mine all away! :frowning: Could I pm you for the pattern? Would mean a lot to me. Thanks :slight_smile:



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Awesome thanks so much!! Can you actually pm me please? I tried to figure out how to pm someone but can’t figure it out, maybe because I’m using my phone? I tried clicking your avatar to try to pm you which I think is how you do it but it doesn’t work on my phone. Thanks:)


Permissions are based on participation to keep spammers away. Simply looking around & commenting earns them, as well as doing the discobot tutorials. Lots to see here, poke around a bit & check it out :slight_smile:


I randomly went on a hunt to see if I could find the pattern. Many times I don’t want it for myself, but more curious about me just being able to find the elusive item.

Instead, I found this utterly fantastic article about the pattern[s] in question. The writing is excellent and I laughed all the way through. Warning- loaded with swears

It shows a little piebald pup which makes me want to try and make one myself! Come at me, Tonka!


Thanks for finding that! My life has absolutely fallen apart and i don’t know when I’ll get to digging out my pattern. I’m so sorry, everybody!

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Oh man, my Nanny (grandmother) had a Pound Puppy kit/pattern thing she was going to make for me back in the 80s but she never finished it. I think unfortunately, we threw it away when we cleaned out her home many years ago before she died. But that brought back a funny memory.

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@PhoenixFireDesigns - i hope it was a good, funny memory.

@MrsEnchilada - if you are really desperate (sometimes I’m super driven over a project) - you could buy a vintage pup and pull out the seams, get the pattern, and stitch it back together. 2 for the price of 1! The sewing pattern does seem pretty elusive. The only mention I can find is the collectors edition booklet that came with multiple patterns. I forgot there were ‘newborn’ mini ones!

@grenouille78 - I’m sorry life has been so chaotic. Sending you all the good vibes.


@grenouille78, I hope things get better soon :heart:.

If you don’t like the idea of taking apart a vintage version, you can buy one brand new at Target. I saw them there the other day. It looks like Etsy has a few knockoff versions that could be made to look pound puppy-esque. I think one of the biggest factors would be to find the right type of eyes, then add a few facial stitches and voilà, your very own rescue pup.


Well, yes. A new one would probably have stronger/better seams. Also, once it has eyes, I can’t take it apart. So, I wouldn’t be able to do it.

Embroideried eyes would be better!!!

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Yeah it made me chuckle because she clearly started it but then never finished and all those years later I was like, “oh THAT’S what happened to the Pound Puppy she was supposed to make me!” :smile:


so she was a TRUE crafter! all those WIPs and so little time!!

I’m really starting to want to make a freaking pound pup


Through this entire discussion, I thought I had PP > a little grey one. from the 90s.

turns out, I do not! I have a knock off!! I have a Rumple Bear! IT’S NOT EVEN A DOG!!


Relevant to this thread, I was at my mom’s yesterday and nosing through photo albums and had to laugh when I found this picture of me when I first moved to Florida (in 1986) holding two of my Pound Puppies in front of a palm tree. :smile: