Punk Boot Zippered pouches

I love making these with so many different fabric combinations. I have so many more, but here are 4 of them, 1 you might have already seenπŸ˜…


These are super cool! I think my fav is the Care Bears one! :heart_eyes:

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These are so dang cool!


I really like the brown boot but the white boot is making me want to try to draw a figure skate. Maybe a snowflake pattern for the pouch.

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They are amazing!

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They are so cool! Well done, on both the work and color combination!

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These just get better and better. Love all of them!

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All adorable. But as a child of the 80’s, the Care Bear one might be my favorite. :heart_decoration:

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These are amazing!!

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Fantastic, really unique, Care Bears is my fave too as another child of the 80s! :wink:

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