Purrmaid Girlfriends

I picked @kittykill in the OWS Swap because I have wanted to do some more painting with my new acrylic paints I bought several months ago.

I was actually looking for tiki pictures for her tiki bar and came across a 50’s style painter named El Gato Gomez…I really liked this style since it is simple, and not too complicated for an amateur like me.

I had these two pieces of cardboard I saved from some sort of gaming device display. They are about 4x6 inches, maybe slightly more. I cut off the tabs, primed the hell out of them, and then just started painting. I used a Sakura jelly roll white pen to smooth out my jagged painting (I really need some better brushes…).

Kittykill plays ukulele so I decided she was going to be the pink purrmaid playing the uke. I screwed up because I put six strings on it and a uke only has four! I had to use a toothpick to fix that boo-boo.

I am the purrmaid holding the tropical drink… :roll_eyes:.

Just love the vibrancy of these paints compared to my normal cheap acrylic paint…

I cut out the flowers and starfish out of paper and glued them on…painting over the dark colors was just not working for me. I didn’t plan that well…

These were fun to do and now I feel more confident to try larger pieces of my own designs…


Her boozy buddy


Wow! These are amazing!

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I love these! :heart_eyes_cat:

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These are super cute! I love them!

What a lot of fun!

So great!

Hahaha. These are wonderful!

What a cute idea! :slight_smile: These turned out great!

Love the colors, the style, and how fun they are! I especially love the stylized flowers in their hair. So much fun to make them you and Kittykill.

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Congrats! Your Purrmaid Girlfriends is one of this week’s featured projects. You are awesome!

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No, you are! Thanks!

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Good catch on the ukelele strings! She looks like she’s shredding on it :laughing: I like the vibrant colors you used… I’ll have to check out that artist.

Edit: Oh, I see, yes. Reminds me of Josh Agle’s (Shag) artwork… probably just the time period. You should check him out as well.

Actually, there is a six string uke, but I knew kittykill had a 4 stringer like I have…I just got distracted because hubby plays guitar, and of course, those have 6…details details…and yeah, I am loving my new colors…

Oh, I will…thanks…if it is simple, I can probably do it as I learn how to do my own stuff…

I love these!! They came out so stinkin cute!

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These are purrrr -fect! Love, love, love!

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