Years ago when we were still on Craftster someone (I can’t remember who) made this bag. I loved it so I bought the digital pattern. During a recent tidy I found the pattern pieces but can’t find the instructions.
Before I pay for another copy, have any of you made the bag and is it fairly straightforward to work out how to piece it together? (the reviews suggest not)
I think this is a great idea. I bought a pattern off Etsy over 7 years ago, lost it, and contacted the seller who allowed me to have a copy of it again as she could see I bought it.
Thanks, I’ve looked through the most likely email addresses for a receipt but haven’t found anything. I think I can find details to contact the seller.
OMG, I looked at the date on the printed pattern and it was 2016, which means I likely bought it after that and was using this laptop.
I FOUND the pattern!!
Happy days.
Just to be clear, I am a slow mover in projects so don’t y’all be holding your breath waiting for a new bag any time soon. There’s a heck of a lot of procrastination to work through first!!!
I made that pattern once. I can’t remember anything about it except the final look. I gifted the bag to @Bunny1kenobi. The one you got looks great. I can’t wait to see how you envision it!